Welcome To Remote News

Remote work is a working style that is outside of a traditional office environment. It is based on the concept that work does not need to be done in a specific place to be executed successfully.

A remote employee (or freelancer) may say the biggest benefit of working remotely is having the flexibility to set their own schedule. Others may work a traditional 9-5, but enjoy being able to work from home or from many different locations.

Remote work is steadily growing thanks to new coworking technologies and a change in thinking around remote principles, with an estimated fifty percent of the U.S. Workforce projected to work remotely by 2020 (source). With these new technologies we are able to chat (almost) face-to-face, share files instantly, work on whiteboards together and collaborate on documents in real time.

Here at RemoteNews. we have been working remotely since the term was coined and have witnessed the conversation around remote, freelancers, and digital nomads transform – And we are confident this is just the beginning.

We also know there is a learning curve in terms of weeding through the resources, the blogs with good SEO but not-so-helpful content, not to mention the clickbait. This is exactly how RemoteNews came to be. We saw a huge, thriving ecosystem that didn’t have a platform catering to their needs.

So, what will live on RemoteNews? The best curated content that is always up to date, in-demand remote jobs for all skill levels and disciplines, community, trend highlights and analysis, expert interviews, and so much more.

Where do I start? Scroll through the job listings to find the right remote job for you. Or, browse our most recent articles and expert interviews.

We’re excited to have you here! We’re an email or tweet away if you have any questions.

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